
igive125x75Shop hundreds of online stores (including Bloomingdale’s, Amazon, Hilton Hotels & Resorts, American Airlines and much, much more!) through iGive.com by clicking on the picture to the left and a portion of your dollars spent will be donated to the National Repertory Orchestra.  It’s as simple as that!

iGive.com says, “There are no costs, obligations, nor any hidden fees.  After using an iGive link to the store’s website, you shop as you normally would. There are no extra steps, nor iGive notifications when making payments.  The donations happen behind the scenes, and often the store’s support teams are unaware of the iGive Affiliate Program.” 

They continue, “iGive began in 1997 and through word of mouth has grown to 350,000+ members supporting 50,000+ causes/charities who have raised over $7,000,000.”

iGive describes the way it works and answers safety concerns: “Shopping via iGive is essentially a store rebate program where iGive members have the opportunity to donate their rebate to their chosen cause.  When iGive members shop via special links, an “iGive Cookie” is assigned to your browser. This tells the store, “Here is an iGive Member” using a meaningless member ID number. The store reports back with this number and the amounts for the donation to your cause. iGive (and the NRO) never have access to any payment information.”   So, you can feel safe and secure shopping and donating with iGive.com!