
Sam Jarvis

Boulder, Colorado

University of Colorado Boulder, BM Violin Performance and BA Chemistry, May 2024

Growing up, Sam’s musical activities spanned violin, musical theater, and playing clarinet in his high school marching band. He previously attended the NRO in 2022 and Interlochen Arts Camp in 2019, where he was a principal violinist in World Youth Symphony Orchestra. At CU Boulder, he studied violin with Claude Sim and Alex Gonzalez. In his spare time, Sam enjoys recreating in Colorado’s bountiful outdoors, reading books, and writing poetry.

What inspired you to become a musician?
My love for playing music was fostered by my first violin teacher, Karen Romeo.

Who are your all-time favorite composers and/or pieces? Why?
To me, Mahler, Liszt and Strauss evoke a sense of grandeur and endless possibility. I’m also deeply moved by the melodic lyricism of Russian composers like Tchaikovsky, Khachaturian and Prokofiev.

What is an interesting fact about you and/or your instrument?
I’ve summited forty of Colorado’s 14ers, and I’m working on bagging them all!

When taking a break from music-making, what is your favorite thing to do?
I love to write poetry in my spare time.

Why did you choose the NRO?
The setting and people of the NRO are unrivaled by any other music festival. Having grown up in Colorado, I am deeply connected to the mountains, and I never tire of the natural beauty that surrounds us every day. The NRO is a fantastic community united by musicianship, friendship and appreciation of our incredible surroundings.