
Rachel Nierenberg

  • Horn
  • Session A and B
  • Pam and Sonny Wiegand Chair

A native of New York City, Rachel Nierenberg received her Bachelor’s of Music from McGill University, where she studied with John Zirbel, and her Master’s of Music from the Colburn Conservatory, where she studied with Andrew Bain. Rachel has performed with many ensembles, including Kaleidoscope Chamber Orchestra and Monday Evening Concerts. This past year, Rachel has been exploring her interests outside orchestral performance by working as a teacher at a nursery school and learning the natural horn.

When taking a break from music-making, what is your favorite thing to do?
I enjoy making and learning about fermented foods, cooking, arts and crafts, and reading.

What is something interesting that people may not know about you?
I worked on a farm for two summers and played horn on a horse.